Digimon Adventure (2020)
Digimon Adventure (2020) is set in the modern age where everyone is connected with laptops, tablets, and smartphones. I felt like Digimon Adventure (2020) put more stakes down for the characters
- Tai's mom and sister are on a runaway subway. Tai was transported to the Digital World to combat the Digimon causing the runway subway (Tokyo Digital Crisis)
- a submarine launches a nuclear missile heading straight for Tokyo, so Matt and Tai travel to the Digital World and must stop the missile from reaching Tokyo (War Game)
- Tokyo is faced with a power outage (Birdramon Soars)
- a ship / tanker lost communication with port authority and was heading straight for the shore (The Seventh Child Awakens)
- satellites are on track to crash into the International Space Station which is hurtling towards Tokyo (A New Darkness, Millenniumon)
Funny dialogue
- "why does everything want to eat us today?" (Birdramon Soars)
- "Try not to become an appetizer." (To the New Continent)
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